Friday, July 07, 2006

Dreyer's Swiss Orange Sherbet

For anyone who hasn't tasted this stuff - it is the world's best sherbet! For those of you who like to try to make everything yourself:

Put one cup milk in blender with one pkg of plain gelatin and mix. Add one cup HOT milk and blend. Add one cup sugar. Blend. Add some melty frozen orange concentrate (used half of one). Add some orange cake pastey color if you like. Put in ice cream maker and freeze per instructions. Towards the end put in 3/4 cup of shaved Valrhona chocolate bar.

Pretty good copy cat!


Mrs. Bear said...

Does that stuff have orange AND chocolate? Orange AND chocolate?! As in like a fudge dipped cremesickle? Oh my Lord...I think I'm getting the vapors...

RhettaRic said...

You bust me up!

Jenny Raye said...

Dreyers must be called Edy's in my neck of the woods. Same container design, different name. Weird.

But I'm with Mrs. Bear--Dreamsicle and CHOCOLATE!?!?!?!? Yummo!

Jenny Raye said...

22 miles today!!! Good job!

RhettaRic said...

Funny how you can find messages eons later that you never saw before!!