Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What's this?

No, it's not knitting. (And no, it's not someone who REALLY needs a manicure.) It's a homemade marshmallow! I even sort of screwed up the batch by oiling the pan I poured them in (as Martha says to in her book, which is SOOOO wrong - you powder the pan, silly!), and it's still wonderful. I don't even like marshmallows, but I love my marshmallows!


Mrs. Bear said...

You are my culinary hero! I am trying these puppies. Can you imagine these roasted over an open fire?

RhettaRic said...

Cut some round ones for the top of your cup of hot cocoa! They are really soooo good.

RhettaRic said...

P.S. I ALWAYS wanted to be somebody's hero!